Socksescort invalid data
Socksescort invalid data

unknown - connection has just been initiated.type (read-only: in | out | unknown) - connection type.src-address (read-only: IP address) - source (application client) IP address.rx (read-only: integer) - bytes received.dst-address (read-only: IP address) - destination (application server) IP address.The Active Connection list shows all established TCP connections, which are maintained through the SOCKS proxy server. src-address (IP address/netmask) - source (client's) address for a packet.dst-address (IP address/netmask) - destination (server's) address.deny - deny access for packets, matching this rule.allow - allow packets, matching this rule, to be forwarded for further processing.action (allow | deny default: allow) - action to be performed for this rule.In the SOCKS access list you can add rules which will control access to SOCKS server. port (integer: 1.65535 default: 1080) - TCP port on which the SOCKS server listens for connections.max-connections (integer: 1.500 default: 200) - maxumum number of simultaneous connections.enabled (yes | no default: no) - whether to enable or no the SOCKS proxy.connection-idle-timeout (time default: 2m) - time after which idle connections are terminated.Failing to secure the proxy server may introduce security issues to your network, and may provide a way for spammers to send junk mail through the router. You should secure the SOCKS proxy using its access list and/or firewall to disallow access from outisde. The SOCKS protocol is independent from application protocols, so it can be used for many services, e.g, Remember to configure your application client to use SOCKS version 4. SOCKS is a proxy server that allows TCP based application data to relay across the firewall, even if the firewall would block the packets.

Socksescort invalid data